One of the purposes of Callback is to provide
the opportunity to learn from the experiences of other aviation
professionals. While "learning experience" generally
has a negative connotation, not all ASRS reports deal
with errors. Many offer a chance to learn from situations in
which everything was done right. In the following incidents,
various abnormal situations were handled with a high degree
of professionalism and skill. These reports were selected as
the best examples among recent incidents that document the value
of communication, teamwork, and training when things go wrong.

the heroes subdued a snorting, lurching, fire breathing
monster in the first scene, there was still plenty of well-coordinated
action and effective dialogue to come in this short thriller.
made a normal takeoff. Right after raising the gear, we heard
a "snort" and lurched to the left. The left EGT
redlined and thrust was gone. The First Officer maintained
excellent control. Tower reported that we were trailing fire
and smoke. We worked the initial items and declared an emergency.
We swapped control and the First Officer worked the checklist.
The flight attendants were told to prepare for evacuation
on the right side. We made a quick turn to land on the departure
runway since visibility was good and the winds were light.
The First Officer got the engine secured per the checklist
and we touched down a moment later. We told the flight attendants
to wait on evacuation as the cabin was not contaminated. The
fire crew quickly inspected the engine and reported it secure.
We concurred with him that evacuation was not required. After
informing the flight attendants and making a PA to the passengers,
we taxied to gate.... Blowers were immediately established
at the gate and the brakes were cooled quickly. Communication
among all crewmembers was excellent. With the evidence from
the tower, flight attendants, and cockpit instruments, we
operated under the assumption that we might have a sustained
fire and could possibly get smoke in the cabin. With that,
I decided to minimize flying time and take advantage of the
favorable conditions to make a rapid return to the field with
an evacuation as a real possibility. Having the fire chief
there quickly really helped make the vital evacuation decision.
I had direct radio contact with him on tower frequency. I
felt that I had excellent support from all authorities and
services, and an exemplary performance from my crew, especially
given the very short time they had to get things done. We
were airborne just seven minutes.
your engine is shaking and shedding parts, it's time to
do what this C182 pilot did: start looking for that "Field
of Dreams." Despite a high and fast delivery, he managed
to turn in a winning performance.
was completing a climb to about 2,500 feet AGL when there
was a sudden loss of power and severe vibration. I reduced
power to control the vibration, communicated on the Unicom
frequency that I was losing power and intended to make an
emergency landing in a field, and began to set up for the
landing. Several good fields were nearby, so gliding range
was not an issue. Because of the distractions of communication
(responding to several inquiries to confirm position) and
the vibration, I did not monitor airspeed as closely as I
should have, and turned final to my chosen field early in
an effort not to be short.... I realized I was too high (and
probably too fast) and with trees at the far end, I elected
to turn (approximately 150 degrees) into an adjacent field.
Fortunately, I had sufficient energy and altitude to complete
the turn and was well positioned for what became an uneventful
landing in a pasture. I was unhurt and the aircraft was not
damaged in the landing.... The vibration was a significant
distraction that the typical engine-out practice with an instructor
didn't prepare me for. I'm happy to report a favorable outcome
and glad that I'm here to tell the story! Note: When we took
off the cowl, we found a baseball-sized hole in the crankcase
opposite the #2 cylinder. The decision to accept a forced
landing was a good one.
was obvious that these PA28 pilots had rehearsed well when
they were called to action in a real emergency. Their well-coordinated
efforts are a testament to the value of timing, training,
and teamwork.
...We requested ATC assistance for vectors
around the weather.... As soon as we made the turn, we experienced
a slight power loss and were forced to begin descending. I
ran through the troubleshooting checklist...but nothing seemed
to improve the performance. After about 300 feet of altitude
loss, we selected "Nearest" on the GPS and advised
[ATC] of the engine roughness. Just after that call there
was a loud bang followed by a total power loss. We heard loud
clanking sounds with the propeller windmilling, so we then
ran the "Engine Secure" checklist. We shut the engine
down, trimmed for best glide, and declared an emergency. ATC
cleared us to land on Runway 15 at ZZZ and dispatched Crash/Fire/Rescue.
As soon as we cut fuel to the engine, the propeller stopped
and our glide improved. We saw the airport beacon through
the clouds and continued for what we planned as an orbiting
approach over the runway. My copilot secured loose items in
the cockpit for landing and I entered a right downwind at
2,000 feet AGL. I made one 360 [degree turn] which brought
us down to 1,000 feet abeam the numbers for a simple, no-power
landing. We touched down and rolled off on the first taxiway.
Excellent Crew Resource Management and immediate response
to the power loss led to our success.... It was a textbook
scenario combined with the right amount of luck.
is one of those obscure, critically acclaimed little gems;
a refreshing departure from the usual story line. Rather
than follow the familiar script of the typical icing thriller
- loss of control; panic and fear; gut-wrencing spiral out
of the clouds, this low time C182 pilot opted for a daring
display of common sense. By reversing course and avoiding
further flight into icing conditions, the pilot made a decision
worthy of a seasoned professional.
at 8,000 feet on an IFR flight plan... I observed an OAT (outside
air temperature) of 32-degrees Fahrenheit.... Upon entering
IMC, I began to develop ice accumulations on the wings and
windshield. I immediately requested a lower altitude and momentarily
broke out of the clouds. Moments later I entered another layer
and again developed ice. While in IMC, I reported to ATC and
requested clearance for an immediate course reversal to return
in VMC back to [departure airport].
this well-catered production, good communications and a
thorough review of the script led to a safe and professional
performance when the action started.
Saturday morning, a [passenger] and I took off for breakfast.
The gear retracted and locked down normally. We took off [later]
for a lunch flight. Gear retracted OK, but upon arrival at
ZZZ1, when I lowered the gear, the mains only came part way
down. I had two mirrors on each wing to confirm that the gear
were half way down. I pulled the emergency gear handle and
tried to pump the gear down, then back up. The gear would
not move in either direction.... I called [departure airport]
tower and advised that I had a gear problem. I made a low
pass over the runway, confirming the problem with the tower
and another airplane flying alongside. Tower had fire trucks
on standby along the runway. I advised [my passenger] what
the chain of events would be to make her comfortable about
the situation. I would come over the runway, pull the mixture,
pull the power off, turn the fuel off, master switch off,
ignition switch to off, open the doors, and then make the
best landing I could. The partially down main gear touched
first on the runway. I could hear the skidding sound of the
main tires, then the nose wheel touched down. I had full aft
pressure on the yoke and was able to steer with the rudder
until the speed dropped to about 20 mph. Then the nosewheel
pulled to the right and the right wingtip scraped on the runway
to a stop. We bailed out the open right door and ran clear
of the aircraft until fire personnel deemed it safe. The plane
was raised with a sling and the main gear were pulled by hand
forward and locked into the landing position. [Apparently]
a hydraulic line had broken.... [There were] no injuries and
only minor damage to the aircraft.
the reporter did not mention it, the outstanding job of saving
the plane, engine, and propeller probably assured that the dinner
flight departed without undue delay.
following ASRS reports, submitted by two appreciative Captains,
bring some well-deserved attention to the often-overlooked
efforts of cabin crews. These Flight Attendants share the
medical drama honors for their skill and persistence in
challenging circumstances.
cruise, we were approaching thunderstorms with reports of
bad rides at all altitudes. The Number One Flight Attendant
advised us of an ill passenger. The cabin crew followed their
procedures and enlisted the help of two nurses and a physician.
The First Officer and I worked a plan with Dispatch for a
divert if necessary. The Flight Attendants called regularly
to update us on the passenger's condition. After the physician
determined that there was some improvement, we continued to
[destination] while coordinating with Dispatch to have paramedics
meet our flight. So far this report sounds routine, but I
can assure you that the situation was not. Our Flight Attendants
were taking care of this occurrence during an all-nighter
while riding a bucking airplane. I would characterize the
ride as continuous, moderate chop on the flight deck which
would make it substantially worse in the rear of the cabin.
The Flight Attendants performed flawlessly.
after level off at FL370, the Purser called and said that
a passenger was ill. There were no medical personnel onboard.
The passenger's conditioned changed rapidly. He had a weak
pulse and was soon unconscious. We turned back to [departure
airport]. Dispatch was notified and they coordinated with
ATC, Tower, ramp, and paramedics. The Flight Attendants used
the AED [Automated External Defibrillator] and they also accomplished
rescue breathing until paramedics boarded the aircraft. The
paramedics came back later and reported that the passenger
was now responsive. They commended the Flight Attendants for
actions that, without doubt, saved the passenger's life. I
was extremely proud to be in the company of these wonderful
and ver72y professional Flight Attendants.