in the Cabin

Flight Attendants
are an integral part of the aircraft crew and their primary responsibilities
are safety-related. The "sealed" cockpit environment has
increased the reliance upon Flight Attendants for the transfer of
vital information to the pilots and for their independent resolution
of cabin incidents.
These recent reports to
ASRS demonstrate the variety of situations Flight Attendants are called
upon to handle.
MRE: Meals,
Ready to (H)eat
Quick action by an MD-80
Cabin Crew dampened a passenger's unauthorized attempt to heat and
#4 Flight Attendant was the first person to detect a burning plastic
smell... I walked up a few rows and then noticed the same smell
she was describing. We immediately called the cockpit and then checked
out the galley area and lavatories. While I stayed in the aft portion
of the cabin, the #4 Flight Attendant went out to pick up trash
and to see if the smell was apparent throughout the cabin. In the
aft part of plane we all smelled it and then noticed smoke coming
from the trash bag that the #4 Flight Attendant had just brought
back... Smoke was coming from an airsickness bag. We carefully opened
it slightly and noticed a Styrofoam cup and a military, Meals, Ready
to Eat (MRE) heating bag. A military passenger told another Flight
Attendant that he was using it to cook the food he brought on board.
We dumped the MRE heating device into a lavatory sink full of cold
water, covered it with ice, and then locked the lavatory. It was
still hot one and one-half hours later on landing. The passenger
said he had done this before on other flights...
Commotion Control
Passenger behavior during
an emergency is directly related to the actions and directions of the
cabin crew. In the following ASRS reports, the Cabin Crew's training,
demeanor, and clear communications prevented bad situations from getting
- ...The
Captain declared an emergency [due to a main battery overheat and
smoke in the cabin]. We had 20 minutes to prepare the cabin for emergency
landing [and] accomplished the checklist in 10 minutes... While I
gathered the crew to inform them of the emergency, etc., a
of our coach passengers could see that we were no longer continuing
to [our destination] and started a wave of panic and grabbing of life
vests. We contained [the panic] and I elected to make a second PA
to make sure they knew how to operate the vest and, more importantly,
when not to... We landed without incident.
- ... Passenger
Call lights started going off all around a passenger who was strapped
in his seat and flailing his arms and legs all over. The food on the
tray went flying everywhere. I was the first Flight Attendant there
and assumed that the passenger was having a seizure. I restrained
his arms, so he wouldn't keep hitting the person next to him. The
man had lucid moments and...asked for help. The Captain was notified.
The passenger was offered oxygen and water and was reseated in the
rear of the plane... I thought that he might have a medical problem
other than seizures and determined that he had not taken his lithium
for a mental disorder. We made an emergency landing and were met by
medical personnel.
The Flight Crew was very
quick to respond without question to our request to land and trusted
the Flight Attendants' decisions. All crew members worked well as
a team!
Bad Vibrations
Cabin Crews often provide
information that helps to clarify or confirm a problem that the Flight
Crew is already working. In this next report, however, a Flight Attendant
alerted the Captain to a problem that would not have become apparent
in the cockpit until the situation became much worse.
the #2 Flight Attendant and I were working the beverage cart, we
heard a loud bang and felt a vibration. I notified the Captain...and
then saw a cabin window that appeared to be slightly cracked. On
closer inspection, I noticed that it was cracked all the way up
and the outer panel was bulging away from the aircraft... I notified
the Captain of the severity of the window problem. We had only enough
empty seats to move passengers seated two rows forward and two rows
aft of the cracked window... The beverage service was stopped and
we prepared the cabin for landing... The Captain had to slowly decompress
the cabin when he got down to 10,000 feet. His descent was very
slow due to the fragility of the window... After mechanics inspected
the window, they agreed that we were very lucky that the flight
ended without incident.
Cabin Crews often provide
information that helps to clarify or confirm a problem that the Flight
Crew is already working. In this next report, however, a Flight Attendant
alerted the Captain to a problem that would not have become apparent
in the cockpit until the situation became much worse.
the Spot

Distractions are a common factor in flying. Usually they are overcome
by concentrating on the task at hand or through the use of checklists.
But, as this pilot and his instructor learned, when fixation and fatigue
team up with a distraction, costly mistakes can result.
instructor...told me to...execute a spot landing on the second stripe
of the runway centerline. Abeam the numbers ...I reached forward
to the place where the landing gear switch is found on [my type
aircraft], but where the cowl flaps control is located on this type
aircraft. I closed the cowl flaps, but before I reached for the
landing gear switch, the instructor startled me by switching the
radio back to...Approach. He informed Approach that we were remaining
in the pattern. I switched back to CTAF and announced our position.
I proceeded to "complete" the [landing] check... turned
final, and adjusted power to ensure that we would touch down on
the designated spot. I fixated on the spot landing target and failed
to make my customary recheck of "three green..." Evidently,
the instructor distracted himself as well when he made the radio
call...because he did not catch my failure to lower the gear abeam
the numbers. He also must have fixated on the spot-landing target...
The airplane's gear up warning horn was inoperative and did not
sound. The prop struck the runway as the belly settled onto the
second stripe of the centerline... The sound of metal striking concrete
was horrible, but the actual landing was surprisingly soft...
fixation, and motor memory confusion all played a roll in this unfortunate
incident, but the underlying cause was fatigue. My sleep-deprived
mind focused reasonably well on one thing at a time, but was thrown
off by a relatively minor distraction... The assumption that I could
safely fly dual when I was too tired to fly solo was my basic mistake...
If one is too tired to fly solo, one shouldn't take the controls
of an airplane period.
In this report to ASRS, a junior B737 Captain who "knew better"
was led astray by voices of experience. The Captain's parenthetical
remarks voice a step-by-step critique of the incident.
approach to Runway 31, I let my First Officer get high. When I finally
reached for the gear handle, he called for gear down (good decision,
but too late). At approximately three miles out, I realized that
we might not make it down, so I asked for S-turns (good decision).
Tower said he had traffic to the left so I then asked for a right
360- degree turn (excellent decision). My First Officer said that
he still thought we could make it. I then told Tower we would continue
the approach (bad decision). At 1000 feet we were not within parameters,
so I elected to go around (excellent decision). The controller offered
Runway 22, so we entered a left downwind (bad idea). We turned base
and overshot Runway 22L and were given a vector to Runway 31 where
a normal approach and landing was made. Reaching the gate, I made
a PA and told the passengers that we had been too high to make a
safe landing so we had elected to go around...
was the second leg of my first Captain trip. It was the first non-flying
leg without a check airman. My First Officer was an experienced
pilot with twenty years experience flying airliners. I believe that
I let his experience influence my decision to continue the approach.
I shouldn't have let my First Officer get high and shouldn't have
accepted Runway 22L from such a tight downwind. I also should have
made the PA while on downwind to Runway 31... In the future I will
never let anyone's experience lull me into a decision that I am
not comfortable with... A good decision was made to go around, but
I never should have had to make that call.
Several recent
ASRS maintenance reports have indicated a recurring problem regarding
failure to install B767 wheel spacers. In some instances, it appears
that the wheel spacer adheres to the grease on the inboard side of the
wheel and is removed with the old assembly. Refer to the B767 Maintenance
Manual for wheel spacer installation procedures.
Installation of the new tire was completed without the spacer ring
causing the tire, wheel, and brake assembly to be damaged beyond
repair. The men changing this tire failed to use proper procedures
in the manual and never checked for the spacer ring.
I conferred with the other mechanic and we both agreed that the
tire was installed properly. When the aircraft landed at its next
destination, the brake on this wheel assembly overheated and the
tire deflated... It was noted that the inboard spacer was missing
from the assembly... While I had a copy of the maintenance manual,
I referred to it only for torque values. I didn't look for this
inboard spacer because I wasn't aware of it.