is the time of year when many pilots are gearing up for the increased
likelihood of encountering in-flight icing. Our first reporter believed
that an airplane "certified for flight into known icing" could
handle a routine IFR flight.
- [On arrival],
prior to cloud penetration, all [anti-ice] systems engaged. I continued
checking the leading edges of wings and spinners -- no significant
accumulation noted. Level at 3,000 feet at about 140 knots, the airplane
began to buffet, elevator response became mushy, and it appeared the
plane was ready to stall. When I reached to add more power, the airplane
nosed over and began to turn. I went with the turn, trading altitude
for airspeed, and cycled the deicing boots.
I declared an emergency with Approach Control. With the increased
power and resultant airspeed, and continuous cycling of the boots,
I got the plane stabilized. Approach Control provided vectors for
the ILS approach at XYZ. We experienced no further difficulty flying
the approach.
[On post-flight], there was
about one-quarter inch of ice remaining on the nose, spinners, upper
portion of the tail and other unprotected areas. I assume significant
ice was shed while descending. I have become an even more cautious flight
planner. I now know first-hand that icing conditions are unpredictable
and how severe localized icing can be -- it can quickly overpower a
"known icing" aircraft.
of aircraft control due to the weight of ice and the disruption of airflow
over the wings and elevator surfaces is only one part of the icing story.
Ice accumulation can also cause jamming or malfunction of controls and
components, as an air carrier First Officer reports:
- I was
flying the aircraft on autopilot. The flight had been normal and uneventful.
During approach, ATC gave us a descent, a turn, and a speed reduction.
After establishing the descent and turn, I extended the speed brakes
to start slowing. The speed brakes felt stiff going past one-third
extension, so I retracted and re-extended, and they felt normal the
second time. The autopilot did not appear to roll out. I watched it
closely and by 5 degrees prior to heading, I was sure it was not going
to roll out. I disconnected and attempted to manually roll out. It
took considerable force to move the yoke. With more force and about
two-thirds deflection (considerably more than normal), the controls
appeared to break free. After this, the aircraft responded and flew
normally. We landed uneventfully.
Maintenance inspected, detected, and removed ice from the control
cables and pulleys.
The reporter surmised that
the previous night's rain and wind had blown water into the control
unit housings, where the water froze, causing the controls to jam.
General Aviation pilot debated filing an IFR flight plan for a pleasure
flight in mixed VMC/IMC. The reporter even considered canceling the flight
because of the weather, but admits that "my judgment was clouded
by 'get-there-itis' combined with beckoning patches of blue sky."
- After
considering the options, I decided that flying VFR would allow me
the freedom to find a hole in the clouds and get on top in clear air.
As we climbed toward the blue patches, it seemed harder and harder
to find a hole large enough to climb through. Since it looked like
we only needed to climb about another 100 feet to clear the tops,
I decided that I would plow on through. Things got worse.
At first the sun poked through occasionally, beckoning us on. Then
it started getting darker, and we picked up a trace of rime ice. Just
as I was deciding that we would have to turn back, the engine started
surging. I thought carb ice, but carb heat didn't help. As I was trouble-shooting
the engine, another aviation demon was sneaking up on us. It turned
out that the pitot heat was inoperative, and the pitot tube had frozen
over. As we were climbing, the airspeed indicator was falsely reading
a higher and higher airspeed, and I was gradually compensating (unaware)
to stay at Vx indicated airspeed. The plane then began to porpoise,
indicating an imminent stall. Just as the stall broke hard, the scenario
came together in my mind. We banked at least 90 degrees, and I pushed
the yoke forward... I pulled the throttle back to idle, and recovered
from the stall in solid IMC. I did a 180 turn and headed for VMC.
We broke out in a few minutes and landed VFR.
The pitot tube didn't thaw out until we got below the freezing level...
I am convinced that the surging engine was due to the high pitch attitude.
The reporter points out several
lessons to be learned from this incident: Check the pitot heat before
any flight which has the potential to be in IMC, and carefully monitor
weight and balance for aft-of-limit conditions that may hamper stall
recovery. Finally, avoid the beckoning lure of those "blue patches"
between clouds.
Communications between pilots
and controllers is secondhand when aircraft are beyond the range of
ATC's radio coverage. The middleman in the process is a commercial radio
service (also known as General Purpose radio), which uses the high frequency
ranges. A Center controller working the Gulf of Mexico describes the
confusion that can result when communication is indirect:
- [I] was
working air carrier A at FL350. The oceanic controller received a
message from commercial radio that air carrier B was past fix at FL350.
We had no information on aircraft B. I asked aircraft A to say coordinates
-- 26º08' / 88º15'. I expedited a climb to FL370 for aircraft
A. Aircraft B checked in, also with coordinates of 26º08' / 88º15'.
I expedited aircraft B to descend to FL330. Two minutes later, aircraft
A reported [climbing through] FL360 and aircraft B reported [descending
through] FL340. These aircraft were non-radar in the Gulf of Mexico.
Based on coordinates, they were approximately 40 miles apart and converging
when we became aware of the situation.
A number of pilots also report
communications difficulties in the Gulf and on Oceanic routes. An air
carrier Captain, enroute to the U.S. over the Gulf of Mexico, credits
TCAS for providing information when ATC couldn't:
- Foreign
Center A handed us off to Foreign Center B. We made numerous calls
to Center B and although we could hear them conversing with [another
air carrier], we couldn't get them to respond to our calls. We continued
to call every 2-3 minutes. As we approached fix, our TCAS system annunciated,
"Traffic, traffic." Air carrier Y passed our 12 o'clock
position at 8-9 nautical miles, co-altitude. It wasn't a near mid-air,
but certainly was closer than it should have been. TCAS is a godsend.
Both pilots and controllers
can help minimize confusion and misunderstandings by following good
basic radio procedures. In addition, when the usual communication methods
fail to get a response, relaying position reports and other information
via another aircraft may be an option.

to establish communications was equally distressing for a General Aviation
pilot, who learned the consequences of altering the flight-planned flight
without verifying the change with the appropriate authorities.
- Returning
from vacation in the Bahamas. We were on a VFR flight plan, direct
to XYZ for Customs. I started calling FSS without success. I could
hear voices of other aircraft, but could not transmit or receive acknowledgment
of my transmission. The flight across 200 miles of uninterrupted ocean
in a single-engine aircraft has a sobering and sometimes frightening
effect. I was confused and upset by my failure to arouse FSS.
ABC has been my home airport for 20 years, and has recently introduced
Customs and Immigration on the airport. So I flew directly to ABC
[instead of XYZ]...and taxied directly to the Customs facility to
report the incident. We were notified by an officer at Customs that
we were to remain in the airplane until investigators arrived. We
were questioned for approximately two hours by Customs agents, the
airplane was searched, and I am advised it was dismantled in part,
after which we were released. I did not have approval for landing
at ABC or any other airport, and was required by the rules to land
at XYZ.
The Entry Requirements Section
of the Aeronautical Information Manual explains the procedures for entering
the U.S. and clearing Customs. Pilots must land at the Customs location
they list on their flight plan, or provide advance notice directly to
Customs regarding the location of intended arrival.
Cockpit Interruptions and Distractions
- Snowing
at [airport]. Taxiing to Runway 6R for departure. Instructions were:
taxi to taxiway B, to taxiway D, to Runway 6R. As First Officer I
was busy with checklists (and) new takeoff data. When I looked up,
we were not on taxiway D but taxiway W. ATC said stop.
This pilot's report of a
taxiing mishap was one of 107 ASRS incidents recently reviewed by human
factors scientists at NASA Ames, as part of a research study on why
flight crews are vulnerable to errors caused by preoccupation, distraction,
and interruptions. The results of the study are summarized in an article
that appears in the latest issue (#10) of the ASRS Directline publication,
available from the ASRS Web site:
December 15)
In a large majority of the
ASRS incidents reviewed, pilots became distracted or preoccupied with
competing tasks. These tasks fell into four broad categories:
(1) communications (among
crew or via radio); (2) head-down work (programming the FMS or reviewing
approach plates); (3) searching for VFR traffic; (4) responding to abnormal
The authors of the NASA study
identify preventive actions and strategies to reduce flight crew vulnerability
to distraction and preoccupation. Their article also includes a down-to-earth
explanation of the two systems humans use to perform tasks-the conscious
and automatic systems-and why some cockpit activities (conversation,
for example) may demand more conscious effort than others.