ASRS Coding Taxonomy

This document lists the fields available for search and display using the ASRS Database Online. Information in an ASRS record is stored in 2 types of fields – fixed and textual. Fixed fields contain “static” information such as a Location identifier, a Flight Plan type, or Weather element; these are selected using the drop-down box for each field or by typing in a known value.

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ASRS Coding Taxonomy
An outline of the ASRS taxonomy.


ASRS Abbreviations

ASRS textual data has employed many FAA abbreviations, such as FLC for Flight Crew, ALT for Altitude – while the ASRS Database Online utilizes a “look-up table” to convert many of these for you, you may also find it useful to reference the Encode and Decode abbreviations list. Although ASRS started spelling out more abbreviations in late 2009, it is still a good practice to search for “FLC” and “Flight Crew,” for example, to be assured of retrieving ALL relevant database reports. You may enter text search terms in upper or lower case – the online search tool will make all necessary conversions.

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ASRS Abbreviations
A list of ASRS abbreviations used in report narratives.